A Plethora of Little Thoughts

Let’s be honest, when I say my teacher told me to start a blog…that was a year ago, for a totally different reason than now. Okay, so maybe I would like to develop my writing voice, and I like the idea of having a little internet space to call my own, but really I came up with the idea to make myself look busy under the beady bird eyes of the school librarian. I’m sure she’ll make it into one of my ‘rant’ blog posts, for lack of a better name, soon enough – it’ll be what gets me through another eighteen months with her…

So, this blog is a little redundant before it’s even started. It was supposed to help me developing writing skills for an exam I’ve already taken, though I am taking part two soon, and I’ve spent longer trying to work out how on earth to change the colour schemes on this thing (not achieved, take note) than thinking about what I’m actually going to do. I could be spontaneous, but I have to plan waking up before I do it so I doubt that is the route for me.

In simple terms, I’d like this to be a little complication, or a plethora, of work I’ve done, am doing and future pieces, and a place I can share little thoughts on how I feel about the world around me. I’ll try to keep it personal, I’m not up to speaking out on big issues, they are things I’d rather keep between myself and the eleven sixth formers at debate club. What’s relevant to me, probably won’t be to most people, so I’ve made a list of what I like just to give an idea of what I might talk about (however it really isn’t extensive yet, do you have any idea how hard it is to list everything you love in one go?) but, I would also like to write non-fiction pieces based around important life events that I can’t yet predict happening, so many stick around until I’ve posted some more to get the gist.

Current ideas are already flowing, but whether I’ll find the time to have a regular posting  schedule will be soon found out. (Hey! Maybe I’m more spontaneous than I thought…) So, with that said, sit back and relax until the next blog post bumbles along, I promise I’ll make sure it’s longer next time!

Until then,

A Plethora of Little Thoughts

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